
Randi Beach

Sculling Coach

My passion for rowing began at the Open Water Rowing Center in Sausalito in 2001. Nothing prepares you better for rowing than sculling in the San Francisco Bay, which is among the most scenic, mind-blowing places on the planet. There you encounter ebbs, floods, eddies, washboards, tides, ferries, boat traffic, porpoises, whales, and sometimes sharks. It’s all great training for rowing in an ever-changing body of water. What I love most about sculling is being outside in nature and getting an incredible low-impact workout. I am fastidious about technique. I studied with the best sculling luminaries from around the world. And I have raced in regattas throughout the state of Calif.

In addition to my passion for rowing, I’m a world renowned photographer with over 30 years of experience. The eye I use for my art and photography I use for coaching. And I’m thrilled to share my passion with new as well as experienced rowers.