
Interested in volunteering for an NBRC committee?
Contact us!

Finance Committee

The committee is responsible for recommending financial policies, goals and budgets that support the mission, values and strategic goals of NBRC. It also reviews NBRC’s financial performance against its goals and proposes major transactions to the board.

Composition: The committee members should have backgrounds in finance, accounting, business, investment management, executive leadership, and business ownership.

Meets: At least quarterly, and when otherwise necessary at the call of the committee chairperson

Fundraising Committee

The committee promotes and oversees fundraising activities and seeks sources for fundraising opportunities, including grants, individual donations and public fundraising events.

Meets: At least quarterly, and when otherwise necessary at the call of the committee chairperson

Maintenance Committee

The maintenance committee is responsible for overseeing general upkeep of the club equipment and yard. This committee plans maintenance workdays and projects, keeps a list of ongoing needed work and oversees site safety. You can do your part by noting boat repair needs and questions on the sign-out log and on the Google Sheet at the bottom of every sign-out screen on TeamSnap.

Meets: This committee meets monthly.

Marketing Committee

The marketing committee supports effective communication within the NBRC community and encourages outreach to the Petaluma community and other surrounding areas.

Composition: The committee members should have backgrounds and professional experience in marketing and communications.

Meets: The committee meets at least four times a year, or when necessary at the call of the committee chairperson.

Vision Committee

This committee helps direct the organization towards its long-term goals, researching, assembling and recommending short-term and long-range plans for the Board of Directors. This enables the Board to manage NBRC’s growth effectively while continuing to meet the needs and desires of its members. The committee guides NBRC’s ongoing relations with other organizations within our community. This committee also helps ensure that club policies comply with our Articles of Incorporation.

Composition: At least one other Board member, and other members of the rowing community, with a minimum quorum of 5 members.

Meets: Monthly